Paid work opportunities for 16–24-year-olds with businesses across Anglesey and Gwynedd, through the Government Kickstart Scheme.
Applicants must be:
16-24 years old
currently unemployed
Claiming Universal Credit
All positions are:
25 hours per week
for 6 months
National minimum wage
How can Môn CF help you Kickstart your career?
Our employment support team can help you to:
Start a Universal Credit claim (if eligible)
Create/update your CV
Complete application forms
Prepare for Kickstart Placement job interviews
How to apply
To apply, speak to your work coach at the Job Centre
What is the KICKSTART scheme?
The Kickstart Scheme is a six-month paid work placement with a local employer, funded by the Government. It provides a fully funded opportunity for young people to get paid work experience. The six-month placements will be for 25 hours per week at National Minimum Wage; the employer can choose to offer increased hours and/or an increased wage.
The Kickstart Scheme announced by the Government expects to offer hundreds of thousands of job opportunities over the next few years. A £2 billion pot is available to fully fund positions with businesses across the UK, some of which will be with local businesses in Anglesey.