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Employment Support


on Anglesey

How can we help?

Employment Support

Whether you’re unemployed or already working, we have support available to help you develop your skills and progress in the world of work. 

Business Support

Thinking about starting your own business?

We are on-hand with the support you need to start something great.


Our experienced training team offer a comprehensive suite or accredited courses and qualification for individuals, schools and employers.

Community Projects

Our projects empower individuals and groups to make a difference within their own community.


Start Your Business with Môn CF!

We're here to help you turn your business ambitions into something real!


Grant funding is now available for start-up businesses on Anglesey.

You can apply for up to £2,000 to help cover the cost of starting a new business on the island. We're here to help you start something great!

Môn Multiply
Is Here!

Môn Multiply is here to help you improve your maths & numeracy skills.

If you're aged 19 and over and don't have a GCSE Maths at Grade C (or equivalent) you can access our FREE Skills for Life Programmes!

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Step Into Work

It takes a whole team of dedicated individuals to keep the NHS running smoothly.

Sign up today and take the first step towards your NHS career!

Latest News

Mae Grantiau Busnes yn ôl!

11 Mar 2024

Mae Grantiau Busnesau Bach yn ôl ar Ynys Môn! Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer Digwyddiad Gwybodaeth a Lansio Grantiau Môn CF! Mae Môn CF yn gadael i berchnogion busnesau lleol ddarganfod yr holl gefnogaeth sydd ar gael drwy Môn CF! Bydd y digwyddiad yn lansio'r rownd nesaf o Grantiau Busnes Bach! Mae'r grantiau hyd yma wedi helpu cannoedd o fusnesau bach ar Ynys Môn i dyfu a chynyddu! Os ydych chi'n berchennog busnes bach, yn fasnachwr unigol hunangyflogedig, neu os oes gennych chi syniad busnes yr hoffech ei drafod, mae'r digwyddiad hwn ar eich cyfer chi! Am y Digwyddiad Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn gyfle gwych i fusnesau bach ddarganfod yr amrywiaeth o gefnogaeth sydd ar gael ar Ynys Môn! Cewch wybodaeth am Môn CF, a’r hyn sydd ar gael I chi a’ch busnes. Bydd ein timau wrth law i roi cyngor a chymorth ym mhob agwedd or fusnes, gan gynnwys: Grantiau a Chyllid  - Cefnogi datblygiad a thwf busnesau lleol. Lleoliadau Gwaith â Thâl  - Helpu busnesau i fanteisio ar dalent a datblygu'r farchnad swyddi ar Ynys Môn. Cefnogaeth Cyflogaeth  – Help I chi ddatblygu eich gweithlu. Gwasanaethau Recriwtio Am Ddim - I helpu busnesau i ddod o hyd i'r bobl iawn a llenwi swyddi’n gyflym. Dylunio Gwe a Marchnata  – Help hefo brandio’ch busnes a mynd ar lein. Hyfforddiant - Helpu I ddatblygu [obl a busnensu Ynys Môn drwy hyfforddiant pwrpasol.   Bydd cynrychiolwyr asiantaethau hefyd yn y digwyddiad i roi cymorth i fusnesau. Bydd cynrychiolwyr o Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn , Busnes Cymru , Banc Datblygu Cymru, FSB , a Menter Môn yn bresennol, gyda mwy i’w cyhoeddi’n fuan! Pam ddylwn i ddod? Daeth dros 300 o fusnesau i’n digwyddiad diwethaf, ac o ganlyniad, cawsant y cymorth yr oedd ei angen arnynt i dyfu! Rydym am helpu hyd yn oed mwy o fusnesau ar Ynys Môn drwy gymorth ymarferol a grantiau. Dyna pam mae ein digwyddiad nesaf yn cael ei gynnal yng Ngwesty Bulkeley ym Miwmares. Os ydych yn mynychu’r noson cewch wybod yn gynnar am y grant a sut i’w hawlio. "Bydd pawb sy'n mynychu'r digwyddiad yn cael Y CYFLE CYNTAF i wneud cais am grant!" Pryd a ble mae'r Digwyddiad? Lansio Noson Wybodaeth a Grantiau Môn CF: Ebrill 11eg 3pm - 8pm Gwesty Bulkeley, 19 Stryd y Castell, Biwmares, LL58 8AW Sut ydw i'n cofrestru? Mae cofrestru ar gyfer digwyddiad Gwybodaeth a Grantiau Môn CF yn hawdd. Rydym yn deall bod rhedeg busnes yn golygu eich bod yn brysur. Mae modd I chi bwcio slot I weld un o’n staff ar y noson, ymlaen llaw. Dilynwch y ddolen isod, dewiswch amser sy'n addas i chi ac archebwch eich tocyn. Mae mynediad i’r digwyddiad yn hollol AM DDIM , a dim ond ychydig funudau y mae cofrestru’n ei gymryd.

Business Grants Are Back!

11 Mar 2024

Small Business Grants are back on Anglesey! Join us for the Môn CF Showcase & Grants Launch Event! The Môn CF Showcase lets local business owners discover all the support that's available from Môn CF! The Showcase event will launch the next round of Small Business Grants! The grants have helped hundreds of small businesses on Anglesey grow and scale up! If you're a small business owner, a self-employed sole trader, or have a business idea you want to explore, this event is for you! About the event This event is a fantastic opportunity for small businesses to discover the variety of support available on Anglesey! We've tailored the whole event to suit the needs of you and your businesses. Our teams will be on hand to provide advice and support in all aspects of business, including: Grants & Funding  - Supporting the development and growth of local businesses. Paid Work Placements  - Helping businesses tap into talent and develop the job market on Anglesey. Employment Support  - To provide in-work support to businesses and employees on Anglesey. Free Recruitment Services  - To help businesses find the right people & fill roles fast. Web Design & Marketing  – Help with branding your business and getting you online. Training  - To help the people and businesses of Anglesey be the best that they can be.   We'll also have other agencies in attendance who provide support for businesses.   We'll have teams from The Isle of Anglesey County Council , Business Wales , The Development Bank of Wales , The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) , and Menter Môn  in attendance, with more to announce soon! Why should I attend? Over 300 businesses attended our last event, and as a result, got the support they needed to grow! We want to help even more businesses on Anglesey through practical support and grants. That's why our next event is being held at the Bulkeley Hotel in Beaumaris. And we're giving everyone who attends early access to grant applications! "Everyone who attends the event will get EARLY ACCESS to the grant applications!" When and Where is the event? The Môn CF Showcase & Grants Launch: 11th April 3pm - 8pm Bulkeley Hotel, 19 Castle Street, Beaumaris, LL58 8AW How do I sign up? Registering for the Môn CF Showcase and Grants event couldn't be easier. We understand running a business means your days can be busy. This is why we're giving attendees the ability to book a time that suits them. Follow the link below, choose a time that suits you and book your ticket. Admission to the event is completely FREE , and registration only takes a few minutes.

Business Support Success Story - Jonathan Retallick, Artist and Carpenter

22 Feb 2024

Jonathan Retallick is an Artist, based in Menai Bridge, who creates unique artworks that have earned him worldwide renown in art circles. Jonathan also works as a carpenter and creates bespoke projects for businesses and customers across the region. Entrepreneurship applies itself in many industries, and the art world is no different.   Having a keen business mindset can help an artist thrive in an industry as competitive as art. We went to visit Jonathan who recently received a Small Business Grant with help from Môn CF, to ask about how the grant has helped him grow his business, and to hear about what’s next on the horizon.   Q1. Hi Jonathan, to start us off, could you tell us a little about yourself, and the business you’ve set up?    Of course, I'm Jonathan, I'm a self-employed artist and carpenter. I specialise in oil painting on canvas and use my carpentry skills to build a lot of my materials.  As an intrinsically creative person, I’ve always liked the idea of working for myself. Having always leaned towards the idea of self-employment for most of my life.     Pursuing my creative ideas has always been one of my ambitions and in 2015 I decided to pursue my ambitions full-time.   Art has always meant a lot to me, as a method of communication, and a commentary on existence. After a few years of building a substantial portfolio, I went to study art at university.   "I've leaned towards the idea of self-employment for most of my life."   This was a tough decision having often been discouraged by people’s belief that art lacked job opportunities, but I had to be true to myself.      Going to university was the best life decision I’d made to that point, my timing was perfect and I thrived.   I graduated in 2020 into a very different world. Job security was no longer guaranteed, and the world shifted into the unknown.     Finding my feet as an artist I worked in factories to pay bills until my self-employed work picked up momentum.     I now work on my art full-time and have partnered with local galleries that showcase my work exclusively.    I’ve also built a worldwide network of collectors who commission my work.   Q2. What kind of support have you received so far from Môn CF?    I’d been pointed to Môn CF by a few friends who’d had help setting up their businesses and thought I’d give it a shot.     I originally came to Môn CF looking for employment support after redundancies were announced at the factory where I worked.   They encouraged me to think of everything I could do to earn money as a whole package and it was looking like self-employment was going to be the best option for me.     Being self-employed scared me a lot at first, but I gradually picked up so much work that I often had to turn it down.     The coaches at Môn CF helped me see that what I had was working well and encouraged me to nurture it, and it’d grown into a thriving business.     It’s been about 9 months since I reached out to Môn CF, and they’ve since helped me apply for a small business grant.     I applied and was granted various woodworking tools that I wouldn’t have been able to afford otherwise. The tools have already been used extensively to take on a wider variety of work.   Môn CF's support has enabled me to do more self-employed woodwork alongside my art and has facilitated a flexible working schedule that has worked very well for me in the last few months. Q3. What was it like to work with Môn CF, how did you find the grant application process?  The application process couldn’t have been easier. Very straightforward and the grants team supported me through it.   Having been unsuccessful with grant applications in the past, Môn CF made sure their process was simple by comparison.   "My ambition is to continue to create artwork that excites me enough to want to share it with others. It’s been nearly 9 years since I dedicated myself to art and my love for it has only grown." "Môn CF's support has enabled me to do more self-employed woodwork alongside my art" Q4. So, what’s next for your business, what are your ambitions for the next few years?    I have two large exhibitions coming up, one at Ffin y Parc starting on the 24th of May until the 15th of June, and another at MoMA Cymru, from the 14th of September to the 16th of November.     I have also been shortlisted for the Kyffin Williams Drawing Prize 2024 and had work on display at the Royal Cambrian Academy.     Although I plan to keep exhibiting in Wales for the long term, encouraged by the increased international attention, I have started to plan exhibitions that reach a wider audience.     For now, I have my head down focussing on creating evermore sophisticated works.   I strive to create work that inspires emotional and contemplative responses that grow with viewers over time. My ambition is to continue to create artwork that excites me enough to want to share it with others. It's been nearly 9 years since I dedicated myself to art and my love for it has only grown. Q5. And lastly, If you could give one piece of advice to someone looking to go self-employed or start a new business, what would it be?    "Do what you love and hold on to it for dear life!"   It’s rarely a smooth road to success in self-employment, and you might need to get part-time work to support your passion. But if you keep chipping away and persevere, you will undoubtedly succeed!     Q6. How can people find out more about you and your work?    The best way to see my work would be to look me up on social media, my Instagram is @jonathan_retallick and you can find me on Facebook by searching JonathanRetallickArt.     You can also see my website  which showcases my work.
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